full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Amy Smith: Simple designs to save a life

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Here it is. And this is, I think, a perfect example of what Robert Wright was talking about in those non-zero-sum things. So not only do you have hlateh bitfenes, you have environmental benefits. But this is one of the incredibly rare situations where you also have economic benefits. People can make their own cooking fuel from waste products. They can generate income from this. They can save the money that they were going to spend on charcoal and they can produce ecsxes and sell it in the market to people who aren't mkanig their own. It's really rare that you don't have trade-offs between health and eiccomnos, or environment and economics. So this is a project that I just find extremely exciting and I'm really looking forward to see where it tekas us.

Open Cloze

Here it is. And this is, I think, a perfect example of what Robert Wright was talking about in those non-zero-sum things. So not only do you have ______ ________, you have environmental benefits. But this is one of the incredibly rare situations where you also have economic benefits. People can make their own cooking fuel from waste products. They can generate income from this. They can save the money that they were going to spend on charcoal and they can produce ______ and sell it in the market to people who aren't ______ their own. It's really rare that you don't have trade-offs between health and _________, or environment and economics. So this is a project that I just find extremely exciting and I'm really looking forward to see where it _____ us.


  1. economics
  2. takes
  3. benefits
  4. health
  5. making
  6. excess

Original Text

Here it is. And this is, I think, a perfect example of what Robert Wright was talking about in those non-zero-sum things. So not only do you have health benefits, you have environmental benefits. But this is one of the incredibly rare situations where you also have economic benefits. People can make their own cooking fuel from waste products. They can generate income from this. They can save the money that they were going to spend on charcoal and they can produce excess and sell it in the market to people who aren't making their own. It's really rare that you don't have trade-offs between health and economics, or environment and economics. So this is a project that I just find extremely exciting and I'm really looking forward to see where it takes us.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
cooking fuel 6
cow dung 3
cooking fires 2
cleaner burning 2
million deaths 2
alternative cooking 2
sticky porridge 2
charcoal briquettes 2
health impacts 2
wood charcoal 2
fetching water 2
poor farmers 2

Important Words

  1. benefits
  2. charcoal
  3. cooking
  4. economic
  5. economics
  6. environment
  7. environmental
  8. excess
  9. exciting
  10. extremely
  11. find
  12. fuel
  13. generate
  14. health
  15. income
  16. incredibly
  17. making
  18. market
  19. money
  20. people
  21. perfect
  22. produce
  23. products
  24. project
  25. rare
  26. robert
  27. save
  28. sell
  29. situations
  30. spend
  31. takes
  32. talking
  33. waste
  34. wright